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Drainage Installation & Repairs

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Please find a full list below of expertise covered with our Drainage Installation & Repairs services

If you have any queries or require any further info on these services please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

Drain Lining (NO DIG)

Drain Lining (NO DIG)

If defects are found in the structure of your drains and sewers through a CCTV survey, Aimrange have the ability to carry out a structural repair without excavation. Following a feasibility study (post report), if a line has cracks, fractures, open joints or recently had roots removed – Aimrange can install structural lining socks along the length of the drain or sewer. Sewer relining techniques can vary and Aimrange can deliver projects for relining from 100mm to 1200mm. Depending on the length of the liner, the bore, the number of junctions and risks; the liner (impregnated with resin) is cured using varying methods including ambient cure, hot water cure and UV Light cure. Once completed, the drain is not only impermeably sealed but structurally supported for life. By carrying out repairs in this method, it is quick, clean and eliminates the need to excavate and the risks associated with that.

Patch Lining

As with structural lining, smaller patch liners can be installed – usually in 1-3m lengths, usually only where circumferential or multiple cracks exist. It is a smaller, short term solution to lining the full length of drain or sewer but can be very effective.

Patch Lining

Patch Lining

As with structural lining, smaller patch liners can be installed – usually in 1-3m lengths, usually only where circumferential or multiple cracks exist. It is a smaller, short term solution to lining the full length of drain or sewer but can be very effective.

Excavation & Replacement

Excavation & Replacement

Unfortunately in drainage; in the event of a major problem sometimes all that can be done to solve the issue is to dig it up and relay the entire section. Aimrange have highly trained and experienced repair crews who can excavate and reinstall drains and sewers, reinstate connections, install Manhole chambers, manhole lids and frames, gullys, soak away drains, ACO slot drains and field drainage.

Root Cutting & Removal

Where there is a watercourse (of which drains and sewers are), there are roots. Trees voracious appetite to find water and relentless growth mean that any gaps in your drains, sewers and inspection chambers will enable trees and shrubs roots to infiltrate. This can cause blockages of drains leading to floods, structural damage leading to foul going to ground and undermining the substrate. Fortunately Aimrange can rescue the situation. Under CCTV camera guidance our teams remove roots using both electro mechanical and water jet cutting tools with carbide teeth. This process will clear the drains of roots and will enable a feasibility study to see if the drains can be relined to prevent reoccurrence.

Root Cutting & Removal

Root Cutting & Removal

Where there is a watercourse (of which drains and sewers are), there are roots. Trees voracious appetite to find water and relentless growth mean that any gaps in your drains, sewers and inspection chambers will enable trees and shrubs roots to infiltrate. This can cause blockages of drains leading to floods, structural damage leading to foul going to ground and undermining the substrate. Fortunately Aimrange can rescue the situation. Under CCTV camera guidance our teams remove roots using both electro mechanical and water jet cutting tools with carbide teeth. This process will clear the drains of roots and will enable a feasibility study to see if the drains can be relined to prevent reoccurrence.

Pipe Descaling

Pipe Descaling

Over time, drainage pipelines, particularly cast metal pipes carrying surface water will become heavily scaled with calcium, salts and minerals from the water itself. This can severely reduce the bore and flow of the pipe and also create sharp edges for debris to build up on and ultimately cause blockages. Aimrange can using specialist milling equipment remove the scale safely and efficiently returning the pipe to its former glory and prevent these issues from happening.

ACO Drain Installation & Connection

Installing an ACO slot drain can be a simple, relatively inexpensive way to collect and channel excess surface water. With the correct fall to an ACO slot drain, it sends the surface water into the System to ensure no water build-up against Property or areas where water could cause localised pooling, flooding / ice and hazards. A typical Aco Drain would be installed between a Property and a Paved Area such as a Driveway or Path. Aimrange can carry out installations, on domestic, commercial car parks and industrial sites alike.

ACO Drain Installation & Connection

ACO Drain Installation & Connection

Installing an ACO slot drain can be a simple, relatively inexpensive way to collect and channel excess surface water. With the correct fall to an ACO slot drain, it sends the surface water into the System to ensure no water build-up against Property or areas where water could cause localised pooling, flooding / ice and hazards. A typical Aco Drain would be installed between a Property and a Paved Area such as a Driveway or Path. Aimrange can carry out installations, on domestic, commercial car parks and industrial sites alike.

Manhole Lid & Frame Replacements

Manhole Lid & Frame Replacements

Over time Manhole chamber and gully lids are subjected to wear and tear through traffic, weather conditions, environmental impacts such as grit and can become seized, deformed, unsafe and not fit for purpose. Aimrange repair engineers can break out old frames and replace with new and match the existing ground to ensure a seamless repair.

Tank Installation & Repairs

Alongside our tank cleaning and emptying service, Aimrange provide inspection, service, repairs and installation services. All installations are bespoke projects and are priced on an individual basis. Please enquire today to find out more.

Tank Installation & Repairs

Tank Installation & Repairs

Alongside our tank cleaning and emptying service, Aimrange provide inspection, service, repairs and installation services. All installations are bespoke projects and are priced on an individual basis. Please enquire today to find out more.

Field Drain & Soak Away Installation

Field Drain & Soak Away Installation

A field drainage system can be a surface water drainage system (to remove excess water from the surface of the land) or a subsurface drainage system (to control the water table in the soil). In surface drainage, field drains are shallow graded channels, usually with relatively flat side slopes. Aimrange can assist your home, hour commercial property and have carried out extensive works on recreational areas such as school fields and caravan and camping sites.


If Your Query Isn't Covered in Our FAQ Section Please Get In Touch

We offer a 24/7 emergency call out service, ensuring swift response for urgent needs.

Regular maintenance can vary based on use and system age, but we generally recommend an annual check-up.

We employ eco-friendly methods and products, ensuring minimal environmental impact.

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