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CCTV Survey

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CCTV Survey

Please find a full list below of expertise covered with our CCTV survey services

If you have any queries or require any further info on these services please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

Property CCTV Drainage Survey

Property CCTV Drainage Survey

Whether you are the current owner or looking to buy a property it is essential to understand the condition of your private drains and sewers. By carrying out a CCTV survey of all the main drainage and inverts, any faults that require remedial action will be identified before something fails. Failure of drainage assets can undermine structures such as driveways and foundations causing major stress, disruption and costs. Getting a survey carried out will give you peace of mind.

Section 104 Pre Adoption Survey

Aimrange specialise in Section 104 pre-adoption cleaning and surveying of unadopted drains and sewers on new build and existing sites that have undergone alterations. Prior to connection to mains, Builders and contractors need to prove both condition and connectivity prior to its sign off and handover. Aimrange will provide a full site clean of inspection chambers, drains and sewers, gullys and leads as required. Once fully cleaned, the assets are surveyed using a remote controlled CCTV crawler and the information is immediately recorded and coded to form a handover document to the client via our web based WINCAN X link.

Section 104 Pre Adoption Survey

Section 104 Pre Adoption Survey

Aimrange specialise in Section 104 pre-adoption cleaning and surveying of unadopted drains and sewers on new build and existing sites that have undergone alterations. Prior to connection to mains, Builders and contractors need to prove both condition and connectivity prior to its sign off and handover. Aimrange will provide a full site clean of inspection chambers, drains and sewers, gullys and leads as required. Once fully cleaned, the assets are surveyed using a remote controlled CCTV crawler and the information is immediately recorded and coded to form a handover document to the client via our web based WINCAN X link.

Drain Mapping (connectivity, location and depths)

Drain Mapping (connectivity, location and depths)

Drawings and details for your facility, property and land can be very limited. Sometimes information can be none existent. This makes any planned construction or excavation works impossible without a survey to trace and identify location and connectivity. Aimrange can use state of the art technology to trace, probe and locate the direction of drainage, the depths and the manhole chambers they connect to from above ground. By carrying out a ‘trace, probe and location’ investigation; accurate and safe excavations can be carried out. Marked up plans will be delivered as an overlay or CAD detailing direction and depths, depending on requirement and scope.

Condition Survey

Condition surveys are carried out on drains and sewers to determine whether installations have been done so successfully and without damage. They are also carried out periodically to determine current condition so that remedial actions can be identified and drainage repair strategies put in place. It is a pre-requisite that your drains are fit for purpose and in good repair. Condition surveys can also be carried out on Manhole chambers which will detail its construction and identify any defects such as to the lid, internal furniture, benching, water ingress or egress. Aimrange are able to carry out all refurbishment works and installations as required.

Condition Survey

Condition Survey

Condition surveys are carried out on drains and sewers to determine whether installations have been done so successfully ad without damage. They are also carried out periodically to determine current condition so that remedial actions can be identified and drainage repair strategies put in place. It is a pre-requisite that your drains are fit for purpose and in good repair. Condition surveys can also be carried out on Manhole chambers which will detail its construction and identify any defects such as to the lid, internal furniture, benching, water ingress or egress. Aimrange are able to carry out all refurbishment works and installations as required.

Drain Location Tracing (sonde)

Drain Location Tracing (sonde)

Drawings and details for your facility, property and land can be very limited. Sometimes information can be none existent. This makes any planned construction or excavation works impossible without a survey to trace and identify location and connectivity. Aimrange can use state of the art technology to trace, probe and locate the direction of drainage, the depths and the manhole chambers they connect to from above ground. By carrying out a ‘trace, probe and location’ investigation; accurate and safe excavations can be carried out. Marked up plans will be delivered as an overlay or CAD detailing direction and depths, depending on requirement and scope.

Dye tracing and location

Drawings and details for your facility, property and land can be very limited. Sometimes information can be none existent. If issues arise with drainage whereby inspection chambers accepting waste from premises are unknown both internally and externally or leaks are becoming prevalent, Aimrange carry out a suite of dye and smoke tests coupled with CCTV report for identification. By using or environmentally safe dye, connectivity can be proven (or disproven) downstream and the data collected.

Dye tracing and location

Dye tracing and location

Drawings and details for your facility, property and land can be very limited. Sometimes information can be none existent. If issues arise with drainage whereby inspection chambers accepting waste from premises are unknown both internally and externally or leaks are becoming prevalent, Aimrange carry out a suite of dye and smoke tests coupled with CCTV report for identification. By using or environmentally safe dye, connectivity can be proven (or disproven) downstream and the data collected.

Slow runner investigation

Slow runner investigation

In many areas of commercial, industrial and public sector land; surface water gullys have hot-spot flooding areas that no matter how many times they are emptied or cleaned they still do not run 100% clear. This usually means that there is an issue elsewhere preventing the run off moving safely to mains. This could be blockages through debris requiring a clean or a possible drain collapse which we can identify and resolve as necessary.

Pipeline and duct survey

If it is a pipeline and it has an opening then it can be surveyed for blockages and defects. As well as underground assets, Aimrange have the capability to carry out surveys of process pipework and ducts above ground. This can be a simple and quick process and prevent major engineering works through video identification of issues. IPAF trained MEWP operators lead the way in cleaning and surveying safely.

Pipeline and duct survey

Pipeline and duct survey

If it is a pipeline and it has an opening then it can be surveyed for blockages and defects. As well as underground assets, Aimrange have the capability to carry out surveys of process pipework and ducts above ground. This can be a simple and quick process and prevent major engineering works through video identification of issues. IPAF trained MEWP operators lead the way in cleaning and surveying safely.

Insurance and emergency planning

Insurance and emergency planning

Insurers will now look at a facilities drainage maintenance arrangements after the event of a claim for loss due to flooding or other catastrophic event. If you are unable to provide details of a thorough preventative maintenance schedule proving your drainage networks are fit for purpose, flowing, correctly connected and in good condition, then claims can be delayed and rejected for payment. Insurers may also ask for your ’emergency business planning’ for emergency events such as flooding. Aimrange can assist in the cleaning, surveying and maintenance of all above and below ground assets as part of ongoing maintenance, long term projects or on an emergency basis. Ask us today how we can help your business.

Legislative COMAH Site inspections

Certain production and storage facilities that adhere to COMAH regulations are bound by legislation to prove that their drainage network is fit for purpose, flowing, correctly connected and in good condition. Should the worst occur whereby a hazardous material is spilled to drain, the facility must be certain that any waste is safely contained, can be isolated and will not go to ground or watercourse. At Aimrange we can carry out thorough investigations on a rolling 3 year term to ensure criteria is met and drainage is in excellent condition.

Legislative COMAH Site inspections

Legislative COMAH Site inspections

Certain production and storage facilities that adhere to COMAH regulations are bound by legislation to prove that their drainage network is fit for purpose, flowing, correctly connected and in good condition. Should the worst occur whereby a hazardous material is spilled to drain, the facility must be certain that any waste is safely contained, can be isolated and will not go to ground or watercourse. At Aimrange we can carry out thorough investigations on a rolling 3 year term to ensure criteria is met and drainage is in excellent condition.


If Your Query Isn't Covered in Our FAQ Section Please Get In Touch

We offer a 24/7 emergency call out service, ensuring swift response for urgent needs.

Regular maintenance can vary based on use and system age, but we generally recommend an annual check-up.

We employ eco-friendly methods and products, ensuring minimal environmental impact.

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